Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pressure Labs: Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

Due Today: Workbook pages 190-192 on Pressure
Due Yesterday: workbook pg. 60-64

In order to observe the effects of temperature, unbalanced forces, change of state, volume of gases, and atmospheric pressure, we are ...imploding cans!   Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

The Conclusion Questions should be answered for homework. Explain what happened to these cans.  
Include these words in your explanation:
inside, outside, pressure, force, temeperature, boil, ice, condense, heat, force, and atmosphere.

Yesterday, we discussed the behavior of gases, specifically the gas laws from Boyle and Charles..  Then we built and played with the Cartesian Divers.  Check it out!   Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

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