Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Introduction to Atoms

Due Today: Workbook p.66-68 and Elements and Compounds worksheet

Take notes on Bill Nye Science Guy: Atoms
Finish notes on the atom, What is Matter?
Pay attention to the structure of atoms and the periodic table.  Use this information to help you describe atoms on the back of your video questions.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gases in the Atmosphere

Even though it hasn't been in our Science Content Standards until NGSS, I have been teaching students about Global Warming since 1990.  This year marks the first year where the message has shifted significantly-- more urgently crying out for change and exposing the very real impacts across the globe.  The resources I used previously were changed and when I went to check links, I was surprised and impressed by the direction we have taken.  

While my generation was raised with predictions of what could happen if we don't reduce our carbon dioxide emissions, your generation is experiencing the predictions becoming documented reality.  We examined the data sets on an Antarctic food web and the keystone species, krill, in class.  We looked at small things that we can do as individuals that add up to a big difference.  

Yet, the question was raised by E. Zaiser, "So what? What difference does it make? How does this affect me and my life?" 

Go find out…click on Climate Change Page on my website to get resources for your investigation.  It's due at the end of class on Monday.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pressure Labs: Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

Due Today: Workbook pages 190-192 on Pressure
Due Yesterday: workbook pg. 60-64

In order to observe the effects of temperature, unbalanced forces, change of state, volume of gases, and atmospheric pressure, we are ...imploding cans!   Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

The Conclusion Questions should be answered for homework. Explain what happened to these cans.  
Include these words in your explanation:
inside, outside, pressure, force, temeperature, boil, ice, condense, heat, force, and atmosphere.

Yesterday, we discussed the behavior of gases, specifically the gas laws from Boyle and Charles..  Then we built and played with the Cartesian Divers.  Check it out!   Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Heat Demonstrations Quiz

When I demonstrated some changes in materials caused by heat, students were required to diagram and explain the changes.  Each explanation must include diagrams and explanations.
Diagrams inlcude:

  • an illustration of the materials before and after being heated
  • molecules and arrows to show the movement of the molecules (Use longer arrows for faster movement and shorter arrows for slower movement.)

Explanations address:

  •  how  the heat affected the materials uing complete sentences
  • why the heat caused that effect on the materials
We started taking notes on the Behavior of Gases, which correspond to the reading and workbook pages on p.60-64.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Energy and Matter

Wednesday and Thursday are lab days. Please dress accordingly. 

After each lab investigation, please write your lab review on a separate sheet of paper and use color in your illustrations.  The information in your text on Energy and Matter (Workbook p.47-48) is being applied to your lab investigations, so be prepared and do your homework, please. :)

Wednesday we will explore heat conduction with our investigation titled,  Just Passing Through.  I don't want to spoil it for you so just come in to class ready to explore.

Thursday we are exploring chemical energy in our lab, A Matter of Degree, identifying our chemical reactions as exothermic (heat released) or endothermic (heat absorbed).

Friday, October 3, 2014

Just a Phase: Crystals to Vapor Lab Conclusion

Due Today: line graph of data from the lab yesterday


1. Annotate your graphs with observations pointing to the appropriate spot, for example "All the ice melted."

2. Answer lab reflection questions,  Relecting on What You've Done" in your notebook on p. 54.