Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Chemical Reactions and Bonding unit

There have been a lot of lab. investigations (10) in this unit.  Make sure all your lab sheets, conclusions, and lab reviews are completed before you take the Matter Unit test.  
Check the daily folders for any extra copies of lab.s in class and the homework calendar for your assignments.
Be safe!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Atoms and the Periodic Table this Month

Due Tuesday:
This week we are using the Periodic Table of Elements and learning about the correlation to atomic structure.  I made a mistake on the work sheet so please ... check the homework calendar .  Click the details/more info link to correct the errors.

Use the key on the Periodic Table of Elements to help you calculate the characteristics based on the clues provided.  Remember, you can make up your own  new puzzle for extra credit.
We took some notes on electron configurations for the first three periods on the PT of E
These will be helpful for your labs this week!

Atom Models were assigned and are due Nov. 18.

Tuesday we are building atoms and maing Bohr diagrams in class.

Wednesday is a flame test lab-- please dress appropriately.  We are burning chemicals!
Bring textbooks and workbooks on Thursday.
Quiz on Friday!

We built periodic tables and completed the P.T. Basics worksheet in class.  Homework for the week of Dec. 2-9, 2014 is to build your own Periodic Table of ...anything! Friday will be the day we present.   

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Introduction to Atoms

Due Today: Workbook p.66-68 and Elements and Compounds worksheet

Take notes on Bill Nye Science Guy: Atoms
Finish notes on the atom, What is Matter?
Pay attention to the structure of atoms and the periodic table.  Use this information to help you describe atoms on the back of your video questions.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gases in the Atmosphere

Even though it hasn't been in our Science Content Standards until NGSS, I have been teaching students about Global Warming since 1990.  This year marks the first year where the message has shifted significantly-- more urgently crying out for change and exposing the very real impacts across the globe.  The resources I used previously were changed and when I went to check links, I was surprised and impressed by the direction we have taken.  

While my generation was raised with predictions of what could happen if we don't reduce our carbon dioxide emissions, your generation is experiencing the predictions becoming documented reality.  We examined the data sets on an Antarctic food web and the keystone species, krill, in class.  We looked at small things that we can do as individuals that add up to a big difference.  

Yet, the question was raised by E. Zaiser, "So what? What difference does it make? How does this affect me and my life?" 

Go find out…click on Climate Change Page on my website to get resources for your investigation.  It's due at the end of class on Monday.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pressure Labs: Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

Due Today: Workbook pages 190-192 on Pressure
Due Yesterday: workbook pg. 60-64

In order to observe the effects of temperature, unbalanced forces, change of state, volume of gases, and atmospheric pressure, we are ...imploding cans!   Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

The Conclusion Questions should be answered for homework. Explain what happened to these cans.  
Include these words in your explanation:
inside, outside, pressure, force, temeperature, boil, ice, condense, heat, force, and atmosphere.

Yesterday, we discussed the behavior of gases, specifically the gas laws from Boyle and Charles..  Then we built and played with the Cartesian Divers.  Check it out!   Is it an example of Boyle's Law or Charles Law?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Heat Demonstrations Quiz

When I demonstrated some changes in materials caused by heat, students were required to diagram and explain the changes.  Each explanation must include diagrams and explanations.
Diagrams inlcude:

  • an illustration of the materials before and after being heated
  • molecules and arrows to show the movement of the molecules (Use longer arrows for faster movement and shorter arrows for slower movement.)

Explanations address:

  •  how  the heat affected the materials uing complete sentences
  • why the heat caused that effect on the materials
We started taking notes on the Behavior of Gases, which correspond to the reading and workbook pages on p.60-64.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Energy and Matter

Wednesday and Thursday are lab days. Please dress accordingly. 

After each lab investigation, please write your lab review on a separate sheet of paper and use color in your illustrations.  The information in your text on Energy and Matter (Workbook p.47-48) is being applied to your lab investigations, so be prepared and do your homework, please. :)

Wednesday we will explore heat conduction with our investigation titled,  Just Passing Through.  I don't want to spoil it for you so just come in to class ready to explore.

Thursday we are exploring chemical energy in our lab, A Matter of Degree, identifying our chemical reactions as exothermic (heat released) or endothermic (heat absorbed).

Friday, October 3, 2014

Just a Phase: Crystals to Vapor Lab Conclusion

Due Today: line graph of data from the lab yesterday


1. Annotate your graphs with observations pointing to the appropriate spot, for example "All the ice melted."

2. Answer lab reflection questions,  Relecting on What You've Done" in your notebook on p. 54.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Lava Lamp

Apply your knowledge of heat, energy, paricle motion and density to a lava lamp.

  1. Draw it on p.48 in your interactive notebook.
  2. Diagram the motion of the "hot lava" and the "cold lava" with arrows.
  3. Explain how the lava lamp works.  Use the words heat energy, hotter, colder, faster, slower, expand, contract, more, less, and dense in your explanation.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

States of Matter Unit Begins

Friday, September 19
Friday Quiz on Density

Monday, September 22-Wednesday, September 24
The guest teachers enjoyed the students, but not my lesson plans.  The textbooks were used as students reviewed the vocabulary associated with scientific inquiry, and the nature of physical sciences.  The assignments included  workbook pages 12-13, 16-18 and 50-53.  This was much easier to do once students had been given the workbooks! Doh! :/

We set up a new section in our notebooks on p.39, titled Heat, Temperature, and States of Matter.
There were a variety of videos that helped us to develop a better idea of the interaction between matter and energy, and particle motion associated with each phase of matter.
These are all easily accessible on You Tube:

  • Bill Nye the Science Guy on Heat, on Energy, and on States of Matter.
  • Eureka! Episodes 17-21

Thursday and Friday were our review days. We returned papers, organized notebooks and made sure that everyone could draw and describe the properties of each state of matter.  Hopefully, next week will go a little bit smoother!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Density Labs Day 3: Cubes

Due Today: Comparing Cubes

Class work: Density is a characteristic property of matter.
 We are completing our density lab investigations today.

In the lab today, make sure everyone gets a chance to measure and calculate density.  Be efficient-- one partner can measure mass while the other measures volume of different objects and then trade.  Be helpful! :)

The review questions on the bottom of the lab should be review-- finish for homework if you need more time.  Each box or cube  has a unique density because of its unique atomic structure and composition.  Calculate the density and identify your box! Have fun!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Density Labs Day 2

Due Today: Puzzling Scenarios

Class work: Remember that hot air rises because it is less dense!
 We are continuing our density lab investigations today...reviewing tomorrow.
Let's discuss our Puzzling Scenarios and examine the ideas you have about density.

In the lab today, make sure everyone gets a chance to measure and calculate density.  Be efficient-- one partner can measure mass while the other measures volume of different objects and then trade.  Be helpful! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Density of Lumps

Due Today: Homework on Density/Density worksheet

Class work
Today we are reviewing the idea that density is a characteristic property of matter and a ratio of mass per volume.  Get ready to make some measurements of mass and volume.  These measurements will be used to calculate density of some marbles in the lumps lab in order to predict if they will sink or float in water! 

 Why does salt water sink under fresh water? Pretend the marbles are water molecules that you could see. Where does the salt go? The cups have the same amount of "water" in them, but which one contains more stuff a.k.a. mass?  How does having a greater mass affect the density of equal volumes?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hypothesis/Density Intro.

Due Today: Organized IA Notebooks
Did you update your Table of Contents? Are all your papers and notes in order by the date? attached?

We are reviewing the format for making scientific hypotheses at the same time we are introducing the concept of density.  
Make a note of how to format your hypothesis on p.30 in your notebook.  

Get ready to practice making a hypothesis aloud as I layer the following liquids into the glass jar:

  • lamp oil
  • olive oil
  • windex
  • rubbing alcohol
  • salt water
  • corn syrup
  • vinegar
  • tap water

If you missed the class demonstration, watch this guy...Steve Spangler.
Why do they layer in that way? 

Make notes on density on p.31 in your notebook
Density is a characteristic property of matter.  Water has a density of 1 g/ml. If a substance has a density less than 1 g/ml, then it floats in water and if it is greater than 1 g/mL, the substance will sink in water.

Friday, September 12, 2014

More Measuring and Less Talking!

Due Today: The measurement labs!  You must finish today!

A measurement quiz was planned today.  
Hopefully, you'll finish everything, correct it all, ask me any questions you may have, get your work into your notebooks, and be prepared for your quiz no later than Monday.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Accuracy in Measurement

Due Today: Both Lab Sheets on Metric Measurements

Today we get our text books!  Cover them. Ususally, you keep them at home.

Skim/Read p.30-33 and take Cornell notes titled, Accuracy in Measurement.  
Include these items:

  • Do the Stadards Warm-up on p. 30.  Define Estimate.
  • When do scientists rely on estimates?
  • Why do we get different measurements for things?
  • Measurements must be both accurate and reproducible.  Define those terms.
  • To help us, we significant figures.  Define and give an example of using significant figures.

When we review our measurement labs, we'll be discussing the viabilty of our results!

Tonight, practice with the Bikini Bottom Gang and help Patrick find out out if he makes the team! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Measuring with Metrics

Due TodayPractice with Length, Area, and Volume Sheet (both sides)

CLASSWORK: Yesterday, we discussed the different types of observations we make as scientists, qualitative and quantitative.  Describe each kind of observation on p.24 in your IAN. Explain why scientists need to use both types of observations.  

We are reviewing how to use the triple beam balance.On p.25 in your notebook, we are reading some scales to practice. Number from #1-#6 and record your answers. Show your work and add the units (g), please!

We started reviewing the Metric System and practiced with length in meters, area and volume for liquids and solids.  
Today, we are measuring mass! This is your chance to practice before the quiz on Friday!

Go Metric!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Mystery Box

Introduction to Physical Science
Today we made observations of a mystery box and infered what the internal surfaces contours may be. 
Draw a side view and  top view of what you think it looks like inside the box.  List observations that support your inference. 

Collaborate with other scientists in your community to verify your observations. Conclude. Give an example of real-world situation in which a scientist cannot open up something to "see" if they infered accurately. How did other scientistts help you? 

I'm sorry that I didn't rotate the image!  Just turn your head a little to the right...:)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Safety Quiz

Due Today: Good vs. Poor Science Activity Sheet (both sides)

After the Safety Quiz, we will review the homework and collaborate on the items you discussed.
All responses and papers should be in your notebook as follows:

  • Safety Procedures Study Guide on p.14
  • Safety Rules for the Chemistry Lab on p.15 (Optional Extra credit opportunity: List the safety violations occurring in the What-Not-To-Do lab.)
  • Lab Safety Challenge on p.16

We started a new section on The Nature of Physical Science, so p.17 is a colorful title page.

  • Page 18 is the Table of Contents for this section.
  • Page 19 should have Cornell Notes on the Nature of Science
  • Page 20 has two items. Your reaction to the pseudoscientific headline and the homework you turn in today goes here when I return it to you.
  • Page 21 is the reading you did on the Limits of Science.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Scientific Theories and Laws

Due Today: Higlighted article, The Limits of Science
Cornell Notes and Discussion on The Nature of Science

Discuss the following questions in  your group. 
Choose a spokesperson to summarize and share the ideas from your group.
1. What is the main goal of science?
2. Why are theories not facts?
3. How are scientific theories similiar and different from scientific laws?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Safety Talk

Due Today: Supplies for class
Welcome back to science class!

Complete the Study Guide on Science Safety Rules

Friday, August 29, 2014

Complete the Nervous System Basics from yesterday.
Be sure to take the learning styles inventory and reflect on it.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Brain & Learning Styles

Due Today: Familiarity with Inter-Active Notebook Expectations (p.2-5)

Classwork/ Acitivity: Your Brain, Your Notebook, and Your Learning Style(s)

1. Glue the diagrams, titled Nervous System Basics: How Your Brain Works onto page 8 in your notebook.
2. Set up page 9 in your notebook for Cornell Notes, titled How Your Brain Works.
3. In the margin, write these questions:
  • What is the Nervous System?
  • How do neurons communicate?
  • Describe the 4 major regions of the brain.
  • Explain why the frontal lobe is different in teens.

4. Go to Nervous System Basics on Mrs. Stoneman's webpage to get your assignment.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Active Listening & Building IANs

Due Today: Name Fish- colored and cut out with your last name and class period on the back

Classwork/ Acitivity: Back to Back Partner Drawing and Building our Interactive Notebooks for Science

Learning Objectives
  • to have a clear understanding of how to be an active listener in science class
  • to prepare an interactive science notebook for learning in science

Back to Back Partner Drawing:
Sit with partner facing away from each other so that your backs are touching. 
Decide who will be teh listener first and who will be the artist first. You will switch and take turns doing both activities. The artist will have 30 seconds to make a drawing with geomentric figures (basic shapes).  The listerner may not view it.   NO PEEKING!
The artist will then explain to the listener how to duplicate the drawing on their own paper. The active listener will do their best listening to complete the drawing.
We will then compare and discuss how good communication skills help us to "see" what the other person is trying to say.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, Aug. 26

Tuesday, Aug.26

Due Today: The signed bottom portion of the green "Welcome! Course Expectations" sheet.

We will meet the animals in the classroom and discuss the course expectations in detail.

Activity: Name Fish
(Hint: What do you call a group of fish that swims together?)  We will be writing our names in colorful block letters in the shape of a fish.  It must be colored completely and neatly. Yes, you can chose what style of fish shape you make if you don't want to use the stencils provided; but. it must be as large as a full sheet of paper (8 1/2 "  x 11"). This is classwork.  Remember, if you don't finish it then it becomes homework.

Learning Objectives:
1. to feel safe and comfortable in the classroom 
2. to get familiar with my class mates
3. to have a clear understanding of what is expected in class

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welcome Back to School!

If you are checking out what's coming up in class, then I like you already!

You have a choice of a 3 ring binder that's 1 inch thick, or a big spiral notebook.
q  a thin (1 inch), 3-ring science binder or a big (8 1/2" X 11") spiral notebook with at least 100 pages of binder paper ,
q  a couple (2) of pens and pencils,
q  a pencil sharpener (preferably with a shavings guard),
glue sticks
q  a highlighter and
q  4 different colored pencils or markers (no permanent markers)
OPTIONAL: tape, scissors, tissues, hand sanitizer, a good attitude!